Tuesday, February 23, 2010

'First Post' Post

It is perhaps futile that I begin this endeavour, but futility is of little consequence to the truly stubborn. The object which I have stated to myself is that I shall hither to post something - anything - at this place everyday. The result is that I may expose the great unwashed masses to my lowly, imcompetant, and worst of all importunate drulings, thus rendering us all worst off, save the remote chance my artistry improves to the point where, rather than druling, my depositions rise to the status of, say, slobber, or even spittle, though we would be unwize to get ahead of our selves thus.
Wanted: Editor, spell checker, grammar checker.
Potential Remuneration: Improvement in successful applicant's editing, spell checking, and grammar checking skills. (Based upon commitment and application to the task.)